ANANDA HO! Let there be bliss!
Bliss (ananda) is a state of being - the eternal divine state our souls reach to touch. It is the state from which we came and the state we will return to at the end of our chapters. Some liken bliss to heaven or that beautiful existence after we leave this earth. What if you could experience that bliss while living and breathing right here, right now? You can!
Heaven truly is among us. It is attainable for any being and can be experienced in any moment just by reconnecting to our divine light. The more we heal those parts of ourselves where we’ve blocked the light, the more light we let in and the closer we get to that eternal blissful state.
Our mission is to help each soul unfold and bloom gently back into that beautiful ANANDA. To become LIGHT again. The brighter your light becomes, the brighter the UNIVERSE becomes as a whole.